3 Great examples of repurposed content

I have been getting questions about examples of repurposed content so I thought I’d share 3 specific examples from some of my favourite creators.

Ali Abdaal

Ali is a content production powerhouse and targets many different platforms. His primary platform is Youtube, but you can find repurposed content across many platforms.

Here is an example of a youtube video and here is a blog post that has content pulled directly from the video. Notice that it isn’t a straight transcript, but has been pared down from 21 points in the video to 12 points in the blog post.

Julian Shapiro

Julian is a writer, startup founder and thinker. His primary platforms are his website and twitter. He does a great job repurposing blog content into twitter threads that help drive traffic back to his website.

Here is an example of a long form blog post and here is the condensed tweet thread which acts as a summary and delivers a jolt dopamine with every tweet.

Note the inclusion of the link to the blog in the last tweet in the thread. This makes sure when someone clicks on your link, they appetite has been whetted and they will explore other content you have up.

Arvid Kahl

Arvid is a startup bootstrapper who along with his wife built Feedback Panda to $50k/month in revenue and sold it to a private equity firm. He now creates content on the internet.

He does something unique, which might come of as a little bit low effort, but works remarkably well for him. He publishes a post on a blog and uses the post as the script for his podcast.

Here is an example of a blog post and here is the associated podcast recording.

There you have it – 3 specific examples of content repurposing to help drive traffic and get more eyes and ears for the content you create!

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